> NEW Video: Natascha Nikeprelevic: arritmia
Music for Film I Sound-Art
Excerpts of my recent audio-production: Natascha Nikeprelevic – arritmia : continuum for a solo vocalist in a vertical beatscape.
Arritmia is the 3rd part of the trilogy: Introspection (2020-2022) by & with Natascha Nikeprelevic.
arritmia is a 55 minutes music production for voice, noise, overtone singing, piano, organ, synthesizer and electronic sounds.
Production 2022 – sponsored by Musikfonds.
NEW Video-Teaser: Natascha Nikeprelevic: Breath_In_Out
Breath_In_Out. Sound-Art-Production by & with Natascha Nikeprelevic.
Teaser of my sound-art project (German language. Full length: 45 minutes).
*I used my natural voice without any technical manipulation – as I am known to do*
„Breath_In_Out“ is the second part of a trilogy I designed entitled: INNENSCHAU, (Introspection) which deals with the pandemic.
The pandemic is characterized by fear. From the fear of falling ill, of not being able to breathe properly, of suffocating, of dying. The pandemic triggers the fear of death and puts the focus of our emotions and thoughts on our ability to breathe. Therefore, I reduced the essence of the piece to the elementary aspect of breathing or the process of breathing. So the protagonists of „Breath_In_Out“ are the moment of inhaling and exhaling. Both are processes in our body to which we generally pay almost no special attention. That’s a good thing, because breathing works best without our conscious intervention. „Breath In_Out“ describes the mechanical, physical and emotional process of breathing. The piece synaesthetically defines the boundaries of breath noise sound and song from the inside out. The boundaries of breath noise, sound and song merge synesthetically with the electro-acoustic sounds. We become aware that all life begins and ends in the breath. The breath is the silent servant of our vitality.For those who don’t speak German: here an excerpt of the lyrics (Natascha Nikeprelevic, 2021/2):
You breathe, we breathe. You breathe, he breathes, she breathes. He is breathing. We breathe. She breathes, we breathe, you breathe.
You breathe, I breathe. We breathe. We breathe. We breathe, we breathe. We breathe. We breathe. We breathe, we breathe. We breathe!
To breathe. Breath. We breathe. Breath.To breathe. Breath.
CONCERT: Instant Sounds // 33. Days of New Music Weimar
Natascha Nikeprelevic & Ensemble for Intuitive Music Weimar
Saturday, 25.09.2021 // 7:00 pm
Mon Ami Saal, Weimar
Natascha Nikeprelevic, Voice
Ensemble for Intuitive Music:
Michael von Hintzenstern, Piano
Daniel Hoffmann, Trumpet
Matthias von Hintzenstern, Violoncello
Hans Tutschku, Live-Elektronik
Mihail Cunetchi, Accordion
Ein Konzert der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Thüringen, Stadt Weimar, Sparkassenstiftung Weimar – Weimarer Land.
New Video: Natascha Nikeprelevic: “Aus der Tiefe rufe ich – The singing olive tree”.
Natascha Nikeprelevic: Excerpt, Live-Concert: “Aus der Tiefe rufe ich – The singing olive tree”. Assumption Day (Maria Himmelfahrt), 15th of August 2021.
The concert took place in an exceptional place: inside an ancient cistern – part of the museum of olives – in the heart of a medieval village in Italy. While that alone wouldn’t be the most exciting thing, the Piazza on top of the cistern’s roof hides a spectacular secret: Here the world’s largest by aeroponic technology powered olive tree grows its roots in 12 meter height into the open ceiling of the cistern. The roots of the tree are hanging in the air and are watered only by the air moisture of the cistern. Natascha performed 3 times in a row but always differently because she improvised each time in respondence to the very vivid and surprising acoustics of the space. Inside – on the bottom of the 12 meters high space it was close to full darkness, hot and humid and Natascha painted her skin white to be visually better catched by the film camera… This excerpt is an edit of all three live-concerts of the evening.
Thank you for watching my video: „Towards the Light“ with over 7 MILLION clicks!
Good Magazin, USA mentioned: „Natascha Nikeprelevic is known as one of the premier overtone singers in the world.
Read : Article by Tod Perry
Teaching-DVD (Teaser): Workshop at University of the Arts Taipei, Taiwan
The DVD „The Dao of Overtone Singing“ is a Workshop-Documentary & a Live-recording of a Solo-Concert // Duration: 84:00 // Language: English (with chinese subtitles). Limited Edition!
You can buy the DVD here:
> for countries of the European Union (EU)
> for all other countries
New: Video: FEATURE: Nikeprelevic & WDRadio Choir
RE S PONSE Reaktion on Action“ // Première at chor.com, Concerthall Dortmund.
Composer, singer & conducter: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Video-FEATURE: Natascha Nikeprelevic and her piece for mixed choir and solo voice.
On behalf of the WDRadio Choir Natascha composed „RE S PONSE – reaction on action“. In this work improvisational concepts form the basis for an „interactive choral music“, in which the mutual reactive relatedness of conductor and choir are program. The composition was first performed at the opening at chor.com in September 2011 at concert hall Dortmund. Natascha conducted the choir herself while singing the solo voice part.
PRESS REVIEW:„Natascha Nikeprelevic is a wonderful artist. She encouraged the choir to unheard sounds and vocal reactions. Her „head arrangement“ worked perfectly. Everything was improvised and made a temporarily forget to breathe. There are numerous performance artists in the world who not have at all the necessary vocal technique for the professional concert and opera buisiness. No thought of it with Natascha!“
Interview (in german only)
Natascha Nikeprelevic on Improvisation with Choir:
The musician spoke with Boris Kehrmann on her methodology and „The linguistic dimension in music“:
„I have high expectations of the sound and even still want to make the most bizarre, not very pleasant tone to the ears sound nice. When I shout, I would like to do it so musically that you realize the connection to the singer at any second.“ (Natascha Nikeprelevic, Interview: chor.com 2011).
NEW Video: Natascha Nikeprelevic: base note (June 2021)
In her piece „base note“ Natascha Nikeprelevic liberates the fundamental tone: it is no longer a slave for our singing to bring up melodies… it is the basis of our singing – especially in the technique of overtone singing. It is the secret actor and creator of the song – without the base note there is no (overtone) melody possible at all. The base note is the start, the constant layer, the companian and the returning point. Natascha`s intention is to spot the importance of the base note and to expose it as a main character in singing.
„Natascha is a role model for all women who want to cultivate & celebrate her low-voices. With her technique of sub-octave-singing she wants to encourage all women to unfold their low-voice-power. In combination with high note overtone singing Natascha shows off a huge range of what is possible for (not only, but especially women’s) voices.“
For this video Natascha’s voice was recorded pure & a capella (as always). The electronic track of musician F.X.Randomiz was composed afterwards and exclusively for this clip. The voice-part is still without any effects or manipulations. Pure voice – pure human power.“
Natascha Nikeprelevic: Towards the Light (Dec. 2020)
for Overtone Voice & Tambura
The severe situation of Corona made us all listen inward even more than usual. My Overtone aria: Towards the Light is about reflecting and developing the inner music of just one note in order to show the richness within a strict reduction.
Blessings for all of you and stay strong and confident: Light is coming back to all of us !
Yours Natascha
Download hier
With each download you support my work. Thank you very much.
Voice for Fashion: time to tech up
Collaboration for the Paris Fashion Week 2020 with Designer Flora Miranda
Time to tech up: Natascha Nikeprelevic collaborates with fashion designer Flora Miranda for her haute couture creation: „Time To Tech Up“ presented at Fashion Week Paris in September 2020. This vocal track here was produced without any processing or technical treatment: pure magic of voice to show the wide range of possibilities and power of a human beings voice! To accentuate the eerie feeling of the dress, a combination of electronic music (Idklang) and overtone singing with voice poetry, produced by vocalist Natascha Nikeprelevic, is underlying the visual presentation.“
MOVIE // Ausgerechnet Sibirien
Exclusively for the movie AUSGERECHNET SIBIRIEN Natascha composed
and sang the song of Shorian Singer Sajana („Enchantment“ for voice and tambura).
Director: Ralf Huettner // Producer: Minu Barati
Actors: Joachim Król, Yulya Men, Armin Rhode, Katja Riemann, Michael Degen.
Natascha Nikeprelevic – Corona Diary: Sound Destillate: 12 Weeks – 12 Moods
News of the new type of corona virus has been streaming in to us since the beginning of January. Due to my very close relationship with Italy, the situation affects me accordingly intensely. Every day thousands of posts flooded the social media platforms and soon there was not a single day and hour, in which the word, the syllables “Co-ro-na” did not reach my ear or eye from anywhere. Corona everywhere. For me as a vocalist, as a musician, who from the start made sounds out of abstract syllables, this word, the „Corona sound“ can no longer get out of my ear – neither during the day nor at night. At the end of January 2020 I started to make a spontaneous video recording of myself or to be precise of my lips with my cell phone every week, in which I always interpret the word „Corona“ musically in a very compressed form. A short, uncensored acoustic document of my respective musical thoughts on Corona. It was important to me that I accept everything. I rejected nothing. I repeated nothing. I corrected nothing. I wanted the spontaneous feeling of the respective Corona week. Every day there were so many opinions and new facts, insights, protests, questions, hopes, feelings in me that I hoped my spontaneous sonic expression at the end of a week will carry this diverse world of feelings as a distillate.
After 12 weeks and consequently 12 variations on the word corona, I composed the video snippets into this entire video. I have not cut any of these sound files, or edited them afterwards. I also – as I never do – did not use any sound effects from the computer: I left everything as it came out of my mouth.
This Corona diary reveals sonically feelings of fear, ignorance, denial, trivialization, hope, ignorance, which are expressed in cheerful singing or hysterical laughter. In meditative soothing or conspiratorial whispers. In rhythmic hyphenation or naive light-footedness. In deep dark grumbles or insistent monosyllabic. In abstract overtones, or begging request….
I will continue to record every week a soundscape of my „corona-moods“, but I hope that will soon be not necessary anymore.
Stay healthy everyone!
Masterclass at Music Conservatory of Valencia
> Conservatori Superior de Música de València, Spain
> From Speech to Sound
> 6th of May 2019
Info: https://ensems.ivc.gva.es/val/artistes/masterclass-natascha-nikeprelevic-val
Performance: Natascha Nikeprelevic > Festival ENSEMS
Mai 7th 2019, 7 pm – Palau de la Musica, Valencia, Spain
Natascha Nikeprelevic: Oracle Performance for voice & electronics
Festival-Program (Excerpt): Stimmung (Stockhausen), Pierrot Lunaire (Schönberg). Quartett (Reich), Makrokosmos III (Crump).
Artists: Klangforum Heidelberg, Schola Heidelberg, Stefano Gervasoni, Jaap Blonk, Stefan Prins, Carola Schlüter, SoloVoices a.m.m.
© Photo: Astrid Piethan – Make-up Lisa Binz
Masterclass: Natascha Nikeprelevic > University Mozarteum Salzburg
> Implicite Overtonesingingtechnique of STIMMUNG by Karlheinz Stockhausen
> 26th/27th of January 2019
> Institute for New Music
Info: http://inm.moz.ac.at/
Please notice: the Seminar is booked out.
Copyright Graphik: International Phonetic Association, University College, London 1964
Performance: Natascha Nikeprelevic > Oracle
> enigmatic voices of ambiguous sound
The oracle reveals what should not be revealed.
It reveals what is obvious.
It reveals and makes known what everyone already knows.
It shows what everyone has already seen or never.
> University of Cologne > RaumMusik (Space Music)
> January 18/2019 – 8:00 pm – Cologne, Germany
Video: Orakel (Teaser)
Concert: Natascha Nikeprelevic: divine speech > Lunalia Festival
> Mechelen, Belgium > Fullmoon-Concert > April 21 – 8:30 pm
> Church of Our Lady a.t. Dyle > Festival van Vlaanderen Mechelen
Philip Glass – Music in the shape of a square
Anton Bruckner – Aequale 1 – Anton Bruckner – Locus Iste
Natascha Nikeprelevic – Divine Speech
Anton Bruckner – Aequale 2 – Anton Bruckner – Os Justi
Ennio Morricone & eigene Komposition – Carolina Eyck
Anton Bruckner – Aequale 1 – Anton Bruckner – Ave Maria
Arvo Pärt – Sarah was ninety years old
Director: Maja Jantar
NEW: Video Natascha Nikeprelevic: Invocation
Natascha Nikeprelevic: Invocation (Anrufung). Ritual for voice acapella. Overtones with sub octave. Live-Performance at Transit International Theatre Festival, ODIN Teatret (Eugenio Barba), Denmark.
Performance-Festival Zagreb // Natascha Nikeprelevic
Festival: Sounded bodies
> 26. September – 1. October
> Zagreb, Croatia
Sounded Bodies is an international performance festival that presents works focusing on using voice/sound and its relationship with the body/physicality.
Musikfestspiele Potsdam // Natascha Nikeprelevic
„The Oracle of Sanssouci“
> 11th of June 2017
Grottensaal, Neues Palais Schloss Sanssouci
„The oracle in the Grotto of the New Palace of Sanssouci reveals what should not be revealed. It reveals what is obvious. It makes known what everyone already knows. It represents what everyone has already seen or has never seen.“
The vocalist Natascha Nikeprelevic elicits utopias from the polychrome shimmer of dragons and fabulous creatures of the many precious stones, crystals, quartz and shells on the ceiling and at the wall of the Grottensaal. .
Sorry, no ticket available anymore. The Concert is already sold out.
> On the 11th of January at 11 am you can see & hear me at Literaturhaus Berlin.
Asaet tiho aripeiti – happy new year!
The picture is from my exhibition-performance: „phonemonal“ in wich I proclaim a language of the future: Transverbal.)
Best to all of you and a peaceful and creative 2017.
Yours Natascha
Radio-Orgy on WDR 3:
Natascha Nikeprelevic & F.X.Randomiz:
< Phonemonal > A phonizistic Phonorgy
> Saturday, 2th of July 2017 / 10:05 pm
> Produktion: WDR 2016 – Studio Akustische Kunst
> Redaktion: Markus Heuger
> Composition in 14 scenes plus intro and epilogue
Listen full piece now or download here:
F.X.Randomiz (Electronics) and Natascha Nikeprelevic (Voice) are ignoring the borderline between Language and Music.
> Main subject of the new production by Natascha Nikeprelevic and F.X.Randomiz is the voice being liberated from semantics, and the space behind what language can be as well: A language that doesn’t have to be understood but reflects the characteristics of the parts it is made of, letters initiating form, speech being a play, words being sound.
Vocalist Nikeprelevic successively abstracts speech to transform into sound.
The electronic sounds take on dynamics and variety of the human voice and enter into dialog with it using elements of inversion, contrast, imitation and expansion, to name but a few. Explicitly the voice recordings are not being digitally processed or treated with effects. Sampling is a no-no, the loop way by processing is skipped, the direct route is taken.
Word alike speech constructs imitate electronic sounds and vice versa.
Let us move closer together: it gets colder outside.
> Video: heat transfer
heat transfer for voice and radiator from: USE AS IS ‚ ISTZUSTAND
KuLe Theater Berlin
The radiator became the main actor in this music theatre piece created by Natascha Nikeprelevic when she entered the theatre stage at KuLe in Berlin for the first time. Her intensive HEAT TRANSFER is an hommage to all people who knew intuitivly somehow that even a radiator must have a sounding soul…
NEU: Video: fu acune – mhmmhm
> New Music meets Pop
Natascha Nikeprelevic alias Natascha Nike: Hybrid sound & rhythm juggling meets abstract vocals & overtone singing
NEU: Live-Concert // fu acune // Klangbrücke Aachen
Natascha Nike (Voice) & F.X.Randomiz (Elektronics)
> December 10th // 8 pm
Klangbrücke im Alten Kurhaus
FU ACUNE // The recipe:
Take meaning-emancipated, wordless texture and POPable melodies with broken beats.
But: Caution: Do not stir.
LIVE: Natascha Nikeprelevic // as a guest of Jan Glisman:
circadian rhythm
> Performance for bursting clay, voice and sound <
Long Night of Museums Cologne
> 24.10. 2015
> 7 pm / 8:30 pm / 10 pm
> Installation: Jan Glisman
> Voice: Natascha Nikeprelevic
> Sound-Installation: Sebastian Wolff
- (Wolfgang Layer, Chairman of the Choral Association South Germany)
State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart
Masterclass for Voice and New Music Theatre
16. – 21. February 2015
> Masterclass for new Music Theatre:
> Guestlecturer: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Total Immersion: Radical-Improvisation between Noise and Voice
> Lecturer-Concert: Monday, 16.2.15 // 19:00 pm, Orchestersaal
Angelika Luz & Stefan Schreiber:
Works from Georges Aperghis, Huihui Cheng (UA) a.o.
Natascha Nikeprelevic:
soliloqui (UA)
FU ACUNE: NEW Audio-Track: auwowao

F.X.Randomiz – electronics
Natascha Nike – voice
Welcome to listen:
Vocal Duet: Natascha Nikeprelevic & Michael Vetter
In December 2013, overtone singer and composer Michael Vetter passed away.
In honor of his work Deutschland Radio Berlin is broadcasting his piece: „DuO or love scenes“, a transverbal-dialogical radio play.
The piece will be online here a year long.
Press quote of the Premiere at Ars Acustica Meeting Berlin:
„The stunning master Vetter and his provocative genius duo partner Natascha Nikeprelevic, this cast alone is already worth the trip. But then the program! Who has ever heard communicate someone in overtones as accurately and simultaneously so flawless and intimately? And again and again starting out into the adventure of strange transverbal art. What a vocal Encounter! Nowhere proves itself more understandable what Michael Vetter means when he speaks of the „afterlife“ of languages. “ (Ars Acustica, Berlin, TAZ)
‚DuO‘ – a dialogical Passion in 25 Scenes for voices acappella (50’33)
Voices: Duo Transverbal (Michael Vetter & Natascha Nikeprelevic)
Composition: Michael Vetter (1997)
Michael Vetter, born 1943 in southern Germany, painter, musician and writer, devoted himself in the 60’s especially in experimental music for recorder. Since 1969 he performed apart from numerous concerts with Karlheinz Stockhausen exclusively his own works. He has published approximately 6o records and CD’s with his music and about 30 books. Since 1996, Michael Vetter led the Accademia Capraia for „Intermedia Improvisation“ (Music – Paintings – Theatre) which he founded in southern Tuscany. Vetter died in December 2013, shortly after the premiere and CD production of a long-forgotten work of Karlheinz Stockhausen: ‚Expo for 3‘ of the 70’s. In May 2014, the CD EXPO was released in Stockhausen Verlag, making it the last sound document of his voice.
Natascha Nikeprelevic was Vetter´s first full student at his Accademia Capraia in Italy, and performed with him as a vocalist since 1996 until his death in 2013 at the ‚Duo Transverbal‘ in more than 500 of his concerts and radio productions.
‚DuO‘ is dedicated to her.
DuO is available on CD.
> CD – order via mail
New: Video: Daniel Spoerri: Acqua Golem
Natascha Nikeprelevic: Vernissage-Performance
Inauguration of the „Acqua Golem“ at Sculpture-Garden of DANIEL SPOERRI. In a ceremony – attended by the artist himself and institutions – the wonderful voice of Natascha Nikeprelevic „baptized“ the Golem. In an experimental performance the vocalist did the Vernissage-Performance for and with this sculpture named: „Breathing life into Golem“. She turned her voice to any type of sound: noise, hiss, rattle, gurgling and splendid overtones. Natascha danced, „talked“ and courted the Golem. „The singing of special Natascha – said Spoerri – makes Golem a living being.“
Since 1998 Natascha Nikeprelevic sings in the context of work-inaugurations of the artist Daniel Spoerri. So she did a performance with his sculpture: „Sede di Giano“ in 2005 on the occasion of his honorary citizenship in Seggiano (Italy). Together with Michael Vetter she sung in 1999 their radioplay: „soto voce“ in the sculpture: „penetrable sonore“ of J.R. Soto, which is also located in the Giardino di Daniel Spoerri. The radio play was recorded live there and broadcasted in DeutschlandRadio Berlin. Natascha is friendly and neighborly connected to Daniel Spoerri, also because her „Academy of Intermedial Improvisation: Music – Painting – Theater“ is in close proximity to the „Giardino di Daniel Spoerri“.
The Inaugurationt took place on 09/09/14 at „Giardino di Daniel Spoerri in Seggiano, Italy.
Music & Video: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Golem: Daniel Spoerri (Angelo Maineri)
Daniel Spoerri: http://www.spoerri.at/leben-und-werk-daniel-spoerri.htm
> More clips of my Concerts & Music Theatre Performances on my youtube-channel
New: Video – Ikonographia ranunculi – Overtone-part from ‚use as is‘
Overtone singing in contemporary theatre: Here you see an excerpt of the full lenght evening performance: ‚use as is‘. The overtone-part, named ‚Ikonographia ranunculi‘ is dedicated to frogs…because…Caution: the singer grows frog legs while singing overtones…so this technique has all sorts of surprising possibilities.. ahem…effects…!
More scenes of the program here
These days we launched our new FU ACUNE website…please have a look!
31. October. & 1. November. 2014
HAU 21 – Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
FU ACUNE: NEW Audio-Track: mhmmhm 
…finding myself in good company…
Spacial-Music // St. Gertrud, Cologne // 2014 October 11 th
The Whispering Room
Sat, October 11, 2014 // Open doors 7.30 p.m. // Begin concert 8 p.m. (doors will close on time) // St. Gertrud Church // Krefelder Str. 57, 50670 Cologne // Admission free
The Whispering Room is a sound-art event featuring Natascha Nikeprelevic, Holger Mertin, Joseph Suchy and The Knob, The Finger & The It. The goal of this concert is the exploration of the natural reverb and the unusual acoustic of the St. Gertrud Church and its environment. The St. Gertrud Church was build by german architect Gottfried Böhm in the 1960s and provides a tricky acoustic with long natural reverbs and an urban surrounding, the building is located close to the railways and a main traffic road in the north of Cologne. A project by Andrés Krause and Maria Wildeis.
The Whispering Room (Der flüsternde Raum) is supported by SK-Stiftung Kultur.
Vernissage-Performance at Giardino di Daniel Spoerri
9. September 2014 // Giardino di Daniel Spoerri (Seggiano/Italien)
Inauguration of the sculpture „GOLEM“ by Daniel Spoerri with an experimental vocal performance by Natascha Nikeprelevic.
Artikle: Il Tirreno (italian)
Tonight // 21.5.14 // WDR 3 is broadcasting our Feature:
„Deutschland in Kleinanzeigen“
and is showing one of the film: „Erdkunde-Atlas zu verkaufen“,
I did (voice/composition) together with Martina Schulte (author), F.X.Randomiz (sound/music) und Julia Gordon (film/animation).
More films of this series soon!
CD Release // EXPO for 3 (K. Stockhausen)
CD Release by Stockhausen Verlag. // Released: May 2014
Stockhausen Edition no. 104
Natascha Nikeprelevic: voice, shortwave receiver, harmonica, megaphone, cow-bell
Michael Vetter: voice, shortwave receiver, recorder, harmonica
F.X.Randomiz: electronics, shortwave receiver, voice
In our interpretation, EXPO became multi-instrumental chamber music, which is given an even unpretentious, Sunday-cosy self-evidence in connection with the daily news from the radio. (This was apparently the opinion of a sounder of female wild boars that paid us a visit with their shoats: During ourlast rehearsal in Michael Vetter’s house in Italy, they gathered, only a metre away from the open terrace door, deliciously sniffling and carefully listening. Stockhausen’s music is therefore certainly no longer exclusively suited to a small, educated class of city slickers!)
Our EXPO interpretation is the first, but also unfortunately also the last pro- ject by the young trio Vetter/Nikeprelevic/Randomiz. Michael Vetter died eight weeks after this recording was finished. It is also the last audio document of his voice. This CD is dedicated to Michael Vetter post hum.
Audio-Teaser and more…
New: 2 Videos – EXPO for 3 – Final Rehearsal and Premiere
EXPO for 3 – Karlheinz Stockhausen
Musicians: Michael Vetter / Voice, Recorder – Natascha Nikeprelevic / Voice, Megaphone
F.X.Randomiz / Electronics.
Excerpts of the final rehearsal, Section 7-8, Eventnumbers 46-56
Stockhausen Courses Kürten, Aug. 2013
EXPO for 3 Premiere – Karlheinz Stockhausen
Excerpts of the world-premiere, Stockhausen Courses Kürten, Aug. 2013
Michael Vetter: 18.9.1943 – 7.12.2013
Dear colleagues, friends and lovers of music,
my beloved master, duo-partner and adoptive father Michael Vetter is dead.
The musician, painter, writer and composer passed away on December 7th 2013 in Munich.
more on: Vetter Transverbal
In memory of Michael Vetters work, the Deutschlandradio Berlin will broadcast on the night 2./3. of January 2014 his radio play „De Profundis“ for overtone voices a capella.
On the death of vocalist and composer Michael Vetter
De Profundis – Voices: Michael Vetter and Natascha Nikeprelevic – Duration: 9’28
Tonight (2.1.14) – 00:05 am – Klangkunst – DeutschlandRadio Kultur: listen live
Documentaryfilm-Festival Stuttgart // 4. – 8. Dezember 2013
Natascha Nikeprelevic is reading in:
> Spacechoreography – Gerlinde Beck <
5. Dezember 2013 // 19:00 Uhr // Metropol Cinema Stuttgart
Director: Kerstin Ergenzinger
Music: Joseph Suchy, Albrecht Volz, Karlheinz Stockhausen
Speach: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Info: 19. Filmschau Baden-Württemberg
Concert and Seminar: EXPO für 3 (K.Stockhausen)
(Partitur: EXPO für 3 – K.Stockhausen, 1970)
> CONCERT // EXPO für 3 (Integral Version)
for 3 Solists with shortwave-receivers und signal-instruments.
Sunday, 4 th of August, 8 pm Sülztalhalle, Kürten
Michael Vetter (voice)
Natascha Nikeprelevic (voice)
F.X.Randomiz (electronic)
Location: Sülztalhalle Kürten, Olpenerstraße 4, 51515 Kürten.
> Seminar: SPIRAL / POLE / EXPO
Tuesday, 6 th to Sunday, 11 th of August
Teacher: Michael Vetter and Natascha Nikeprelevic. Assistance: F.X.Randomiz
Admission to the concert is free.
One hour before theconcert there will be an introduction (in German) to the program which is performed that evening.
CD Release // POLE für 2 (K. Stockhausen)
CD Release by Stockhausen Verlag. // Release: February 2013
Stockhausen Edition no. 103
Natascha Nikeprelevic: voice, shortwave receiver, harmonica
Michael Vetter: voice, shortwave receiver, recorder, harmonica
„Dear Natasha, dear Michael – on Sunday I listened to your recording of POLES: I’m speechless
with enthusiasm! Unbelievable! You are unique in the history of music: what kind of music!
What a technique! What a creative intelligence. Thanks for the musical gift that enriches and inspires me unutterably as a musician.“ (Suzanne Stephens, Stockhausen Foundation for Music).
Overtone Aria for Overtone-Voice a cappella.
Natascha Nikeprelevic speaks and sings in a radio play:
Leckermänner oder Dichten in Fahrtrichtung
Text by Ginka Steinwachs
Radio Broadcast:
10 th of June 2012 · 6:30 pm
Director: Götz Naleppa
Speaker: Natascha Nikeprelevic, Martin Engler
Vocalcomposition: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Voice: Natascha Nikeprelevic
Electronic Music: Ignaz Schick
Sound: Alexander Brennecke
Production: DRadio Kultur/Radio Bremen, 2012
Duration: 75 Minutes
Radio listening time!
Music for Choir and Conducter
Natascha Nikeprelevic
Reaction on Action
27. Mai 2012, 22:00 – 23:00